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Estimate of the necessary number of bricks in a wall construction

The brick calculator is a tool / device used to allow you to count the number of bricks you will need to complete a wall (estimated necessary number of bricks in a wall construction). Even so, the traditional way of calculating the amount of brick is more practical, if it is to design a more complex wall.
Calculation of bricks for a wall
Have you ever wondered how many bricks you need to build a wall?
 For an entrepreneur, knowledge of the calculation of bricks is very important to save time, energy and costs of building a wall. For a homeowner, this knowledge is also important to avoid being cheated by a contractor or home builder.
How to calculate the bricks necessary to build a wall?
Before using a brick calculator to count the bricks of a wall, it is better for me to share with you the manual way of counting the bricks necessary to finish your wall. You want to build a 30 40 x 40 ’wall that is 5 inches thick. Multiply everything. Therefore, you would multiply 30 x 40 = 1200 square feet. Then get the brick volume. For example, bricks are measured as bt = 3 ", bl = 8". (Additional information: the size of a brick depends on your region.) Convert inches to feet. 3/12 x 8/12 = 0.1666666 square feet.
The calculation of the number of bricks
Divide the volume of the wall, with the volume of brick. 1200 / 0.1666 = 7202.881 Then, well rounded to more realistic figures of 7203 bricks.
1/2 inch thick mortar = 5%
1 inch thick mortar = 10%
Just in case you want to use a 1/2 inch mortar to connect and fix the brick, you can remove 1% of the total brick to allow the filling of the mortar.