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Distance measurement applications for smartphones

It has become a matter of benefiting from technology in a positive way aspire to all, and I am interested in the field of measurement and measurement tools and wanted to take a look at the world of measurement applications associated with smart phones from Android and iPhone and the best programs at all:
-Distance measurement program Meters to measure application A program that measures the distance between the length and width in a very enjoyable way for Android devices You can measure the length, width and height for free on your mobile phone and download smart tools for Android.

- EasyMeasure is an application designed for your iPhone that helps you measure what you want from a distance easily and quickly. You can measure the distance that separates you from anything you see without any difficulty and you can also measure the height of any building with infinite ease and only moments. All this is possible thanks to the new application offered free of charge for the iPhone which carries the label EasyMeasure.
-Distance measurement application that converts your mobile to a distance, height, width and space scale. An application that will be useful when you try it. It also measures the different distances and also measures height. You can measure the height of a particular building or the length of a particular person.
Keep in mind that all applications are downloadable on Google Store